Tara Acton

I am a Qualified Nature Play Therapist. I have over 20 years experience in Forest School and Playwork and the joy of witnessing countless moments of children growing when into the offered space never gets old.

Play Therapy can help children with processing bereavement, separation, challenging behaviour, neurodiversity, learning disabilities, traumatic events, anger, mute, low mood, difficulties socialising, expressing themselves and developing emotional literacy.

During my 5 years of training, I have learnt how to use creative mediums and metaphors to embrace the language of play as an aid to deal with trauma and experiences - using: clay, puppets, movement, paints, music, therapeutic stories, creative visualizations, sand play and mini world making.

Research shows that the brain is most actively engaged when operating with metaphor. When a child is working in the creative mediums there is significant opportunities to remap neurological pathways developing healthier scripts and behaviour patterns. Sometimes it seems to me that Play Therapy is akin to magic.

email: taraactonplay@gmail.com

Tel. 07971566721